

Gravity - Philip Throssel

One of my favorite parts about my blog is showcasing pure, expressive, and creative music by some amazing artists. Sadly, today that streak is going to end as I talk about myself with zero shame whatsoever in this capitalist society we live in. If you know me, you most likely know that I love music more than Zack Morris loves Kelly Kapowski, Josh Peck loves Oprah or Kanye West loves Kanye. As I embark on this journey called "no longer living with your parents soon and only having talent in music" I hope you enjoy this free song I put out and be sure to follow along! Thanks!
Watch the official visualizer: Here
Download it for free: Here
Follow my facebook page: Here


Sensitive Man - Dash Danger

If authenticity defined popularity, Dash Danger would be lightyears beyond so many musicians today. The mind behind the lyrics and the passion behind the craft is so visible in Dash, and as a musician, I greatly respect the openness and honesty in his music. I honestly believe that as Dash grows and creates, he can go absolutely nowhere but up. Beautiful songs "Grizzly Bear" and "Zoey's Calling" remind me more and more of what a unique and unparalleled music force Dash is. The song "Blue Eyes/A Long Time" completely shocked me with how heartfelt the album was.

Go support a young musician. Go buy and share it now.

Listen to his newest album: Here
Follow his SoundCloud: Here


I Lost Coin​/​Losing Mine - Dash Danger

There is probably more "cool" in Dash Danger's little finger than any of us have in our entire bodies.

A fellow Arcata High and Arcata Arts Institute student, Dash's musical abilities were very present on campus everywhere he went. I can honestly say that I was taken aback by this album. Stolen from outer space and the future, listening to this album can make you defy the laws of gravity. "Stars & Wind" is absolutely enchanting, as is the entire album. Do yourself and Dash a favor and buy it.

Listen to it: Here
Follow his Soundcloud: Here 

Stations EP - D. Janakey

I had the privilege of meeting D. Janakey (David Janecke) on several occasions from the both of us growing up in Bolivia, and I am enthralled that another MK from Santa Cruz is putting out the amazing art that he is. There is so much authenticity entwined in these songs. Give it a listen.

Listen to this AMAZING EP: HERE
Read an interview: HERE

Reflections of Grace - EP by Cadence Please

I've been waiting for this EP for quite a while.
I've had the absolute honor to know these guys for the past few years, and I can't think of a better group to be doing what they're doing. Awesome people. Amazing Vision. I'm proud to jump on the bandwagon, and support them in any way I can.

Download the EP for FREE: Here

Find out more about their missions work: Here